Instructions for presenting authors:

3 APRIL 2023
Extended to: 30 APRIL 2023

Deadline for Oral Contributions
(10 min + 5 min Q&A)

20 APRIL 2023

Abstract acceptance notification 

1 May 2023

Deadline for Poster Contributions

Abstract Specifications

Please note that the authors are responsible for both scientific content and grammar of the abstract. The abstracts will not be proofread or revised by the organizers.

Authors who submit their abstracts within standard deadlines will be notified about the acceptance of their abstracts by 20 April 2023.

One submitted abstract can have up to 2 pages (first page for the text, second page for inserted images). All received abstracts will be evaluated by the International program committee. The acceptance of abstract does not imply any financial assistance or fee deduction. Presenting authors are requested to register and pay the registration fee. There will be no printed copies, only an on-line Abstract Book will be published.

What you need to have ready before filling the abstract form:

  • Selection of a scientific session, that fits your research topic
  • Title of the presentation (max. 240 characters including spaces)
  • List of authors and their affiliations
  • Abstract text (500 – 2,000 characters including spaces)
  • Acknowledgements (max. 250 characters including spaces)
  • Figures: max. 4 files (supported formats: JPG, PNG max size of a file: 2 MB)
  • Figure captions (max. 350 characters including spaces each)